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Lake Colors or Lake Pigments are also popularly known as water-insoluble colors. They are widely used in food applications where the requirement is of bright and vibrant shade of colors.

At Navpad, we offer a complete range of Lake Colors that are more stable than dyes, thus making an ideal choice when adding colors to the foods that lack moisture. Our Lake Colors are produced through the precipitation of soluble dyes and are manufactured with the help of the FD&C dye. The process helps Lake Colors easily mix with fats, sugars and oils. Due to their unique pigment dispersing quality, they make for an ideal choice in food applications comprised of glycerine and sucrose.

Navpad Lake Colors are offered in powder as well as liquid forms, so that they can perform efficiently with edible items such as cakes, chocolates, frostings, pharmaceutical drug coating and for the non-edible products such as cosmetics as well.


      Why choose Lake Colors?

  • More stable and less bleeding in comparison to dye colors.

  • Highly versatile due to quick adaptability.

  • Wide range of applicability, eg. food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.

  • Mixes well with products high in fats, oils and glycerine.

  • Available is liquid and powder form.